Download and Verify
Well, we are usually downloading lots of stuff from the internet. We download softwares, movies, games, videos, podcasts, and lots of stuffs. But after download we usually don’t verify if our download was done correctly. Most of the time when you are out you download some stuff over the internet and you just don’t verify that your download was done successful with no errors what we wanted. And when we get back to use that stuff, it seems to be corrupted download. So what we are going to talk over today is how to be assured what we have downloaded is what we wanted to and its not corrupted. Actully for small sized files we have no problem because they are usually downloaded uncorrupted. The corrupted file case is only when we are downloading stuff of some MBs and more. So what to do to verify that we downloaded the correct file. For this purpose we use a tool: WINMD5. You can download this tool from the internet, click here to download . It’s a small sized and very useful tool of only ...