If you are writing an application that deals with financial stuffs, then most probably you will come to a situation where you would have to convert numerical values to words e.g. to write the amounts in words. And if the situation has come then you are at the right place, here is a CodeIgniter library that will help you with what you are really in need of. This library can be used in your CodeIgniter project. And the usage is very simple. Just import the library and call the function as follows: <?php $a=$this->load->library('numbertowords'); $number=1234567890; echo $this->numbertowords->convert_number($number); ?> Not only this, you can also use the following javascript library: To use this javascript library, all you need to do is select all the code and save it in a file numbertoword.js and use it as follows: //Import the javascript file: <script src="numbertoword.js"></script> //Call the function toWords(number) passing a number ...