Adding Splash Screen in Roku Channel
Roku Splash screen is the screen that appears in the screen before a channel's home screen is loaded. To add splash screen to your Roku application first off you need to create two images to be used as Splash Screen. One of the image will be used for SD and the other for HD. Let Splash_SD43.jpg is the image for SD view and Splash_HD.jpg be for HD. The size of SD splash screen must be 720 x 480 and for HD splash screen must be 1280 x 720. Put both the images in images folder and add the following lines to manifest file. splash_screen_hd=pkg:/images/Splash_HD.jpg splash_screen_sd=pkg:/images/Splash_SD43.jpg splash_color=#000000 splash_min_time=5000 splash_screen_hd specifies the HD image, splash_screen_sd specifies the SD image, splash_color specifies the color of the splash background and splash_min_time is used for the splash time.