Best Linux,Which and Why?

Best Linux,Which and Why?
I went through lots of those facebook groups and pages. And even in talks with some of my fellas, I saw one question that was usually repeated everywhere. And that is, which is the best linux and why? So I thought of writing this article. According to me, linux itself is the best one. It is because linux is an opensourcemovement. And always when the term opensource comes community comes. That is opensource means by the community for the community to the community. And of course this is the best thing, right? That's why opensource is like synonym to freedom, the true freedom. Well let me not go away talking aboutopensource. I need to be centralised in which linux is best and why. You can get lots of stuffs over the internet just go google it to know more about opensource. What I believe is no linux distro can be said to be the best one. Linux being the best in itself, you can use any of them. And that is gonna be fine with you. You can modify it according to your need, that's where the essence of opensource comes. Besides you can even make one that suits your need. If you are a linux expert then you may look at and if you are new to linux then you may check out These links are there to make a linux of your own which is the best one for you. But I guess you don't want to bother to do that freaky work so you can go through the following list for one of your choice :P
Linux That Suits You
1Ubuntu/Ubuntu UltimateUbuntu is for a general user who is very new to the linux world. It's easy to use, beautiful, stylish, fast and works with your existing PC files,printers, cameras.
2Redhat/FedoraFedora is the free of cost where redhat costs. Both are free in the name of freedom and are used by administrators. Redhat has the most patches released most often and is good for corporates where fedora is the experimental distro of redhat. Mostly used in server sides and for virtualisation.
3OWASPOWASP is  free and open to anyone interested in improving application security. It drives visibility and evolution in the safety and security of the world’s software.
4BACKTRACKBacktrack is the highest rated and acclaimed linux security distro. It is a penetration testing arsenal to perform assessments in a purely native environment dedicated to hacking.
5DebianDebian is the most well-tested and bug-free distro. It's the foundation of ubuntu. It has good support of open source codes but compatitbility issuse comes for properitery codes. It has less frequent releases.
6OpenSuseOpenSuse can be used for both desktops and servers. Known for the YAST, the administration tool. This comes with either of the dekstop choice KDE or GNOME.
7Parted MagicThe Parted Magic OS employs core programs of GParted and Parted to handle partitioning tasks with ease, while featuring other useful programs.
8DamnSmallLinux/Puppy Linux/These are light weight ubuntu that are capable of running in very limited specifications with great functionality.
9Penguin PC /ArchLinux PPC /YellowDogLinuxYou may even use linux for mac machines. These are some of the linux that runs in mac machines/powerpc.

You might be thinking linux distros need internet connection for many of the things. If you think so and have no internet connection then I suggest you to get the ultimate edition of ubuntu. That comes with almost all of the applications you may need.
What ever I have put above that's what I think. For some of the distros I have tried them by myself. But some of them are what I came to know from reviews, posts and the related links. I am not able of talking about all of the distros and their significances but still I have tried to just make simple help for those who is thinks which is the best one for them to start with. Better start with a distro that's for the job you are supposed to do. 
Suggestions and feedback are highly appreciated. :) 


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