Google Drive triples free storage

Google Drive is a Google's cloud storage service. Its API has allowed integration with various other applications. Files are easily uploaded, shared, synced with Google Drive. It has been a great collaboration tool. The number of file formats support is increasing as the number of applications using Google Drive API are increasing. Almost all of the files we generally use can be opened and edit by applications that are integrated with Google Drive API.

Google drive initially offers 5 GB of space shared with GMail, G+ Photos and Google Docs. There are paid upgrades available for those who need higher storage capacity then 5 GB.

According to a post, Now Google Drive is supposed to triple the free storage with 5 GB for G+ Photos, 5 GB for Google Docs and 5 GB for GMail summing to 15 GB of free data storage capacity. However the premium upgrade plans are still there with a lot more options.

 Google Drive is available for window, Linux , Mac and smartphones too. Below is picture shows some of the applications that work well with Google Drive Data:


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