How to integrate irc client in website

Internet Relay Chat [ IRC ] is a protocol for live interactive Internet text messaging of synchronous conferencing  Its massively used for group communication. It also allows private messaging and file transfers.  And its extensively used till date. There are many IRC servers and millions of users are online. Freenode, IRCnet, Quakenet, EFnet, rizon are some examples of IRC servers. To connect to these servers IRC clients are used. There are irc clients for every operating system. Most common ones are Xchat, mIRC, irssi, empathy and more.

However, the are web based clients too. For the case you cant to integrate Freenode in your website for your channel then you can do that too. For freenode servers you can use the iframe tag to integrate. An example code is as follows which has been configured for default nickname to be NOSKian[0-9] and channel to be #nosk in freenode server.

<iframe src="" width="647" height="400"></iframe>


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