Twitter Bootstrap updated from 2.3.2 to 3RC1 & available in CDNs

Twitter Bootstrap has been updated from version 2.3.2 to version 3 now. Twitter Bootstrap version 3 RC1 is the latest version now. Now boostrap is available in a new home page. Its now available in a CDN hosted network to make loading faster.The CDN hosted files can be linked using the following lines.

<link href="//"><script src="//"></script>
Its better to update your websites to the new CDN hosted latest files for faster loading. The older version is still available at .
Key change in this new version is that " the version 2 was desktop browser first design." but now version 3 is mobile first design. That is developing with version 2 was to build for desktop and then ultimately for mobile devices. But the recent version 3 is mobile first design development. That is first the mobile is considered while developing and then the browser is considered.
Not only this but the glyphicons are now in completely a separate repository.


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