Magestic SEO Newsletter system compromised

Magestic SEO has been a great tool of all SEOs and webmasters. But their newsletter system has been compromised by a third party system and is possible that many emails and display names would have been compromised too. Here the email I got as it was sent by .

We regret to inform you that a third party system that Majestic has used tomanage newsletters was recently compromised. We believe that your Emailaddress and possibly your Majestic display name were on this systemsdatabase.
No other personal data, passwords or card details were compromised, but wewould ask you to be wary of phishing emails using your display name. Youcan change your display name at

If you have forgotten your password, you can generate a new one from oursite at
We have outlined the extent of the breach at
 with further securitymeasures you might consider. If you have concerns or feedback, please loginto your account and use the secure Contact Us form at

Majestic SEO


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