Received my Roku2

Roku is a little TV set-top box that makes it easy to enjoy hottest movies, TV shows, music videos, games and more on your TV by streaming directly from Internet. Its has more than 1000 of channels including NetFlix, Hulu Plus, HBO Go, Vudu, PBS etc. It has beautiful applications like Picassa, Vimeo, Twitter, Facebook too. You don't need anything more than a TV and an internet connection to use this little device. You can use it with any of your old televisions or with you latest television sets. You can choose a model you want from Roku store.

I received my Roku2 last week. And I am really loving it. Its awesome. Besides watching Movies and Videos I do some development for it, which was the main purpose of getting a Roku for me.

As lots of Internet TV channel providers have emerged, there has been significant need of developers too. You can be a Roku Developer too. Recently I have developed 3 channels for Roku which are still in testing phases and are available as private channels. Very soon, the channels are going to be public one.

Though not much expert on these, I am still learning to write programs for Roku. Its really amazing to write programs for Roku. Roku has its own programming language called BrightScript, which actually is an interpreted language written in C. For compilation and testing we need Roku device. No simulators have been developed yet and for future still there's no plan from Roku team. HLS stream can be used for live channel creations. You can also use video files for VOD channels. You can have premium channels too where you can charge your viewers for subscription.

Since now I've got a Roku its going to be more easy for me to write programs for me. As the first 3 channels I wrote were done remotely by logging into a clients computer in US who owned a Roku. And I am very thankful to him.


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