Connect AWS EC2 via FileZilla

Today in this post, I am going to help you connect to your AWS EC2 instance via Filezilla. Before you can follow this instruction in this post, I believe you are capable of launching an EC2 instance and do SSH login to the amazon EC2 instance. With this in mind, my assumptions are that you have either the IP  /Public DNS of the Amazon EC2 instance and the key-file and you also know the user to use for SSH login.  Now to connect to your amazon EC2 instance with Filezilla, open your Filezilla and add a site configuration with the following configuration.
HOST: public DNS or the IP of the EC2
Protocol: SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol
Logon Type: Interactive
User: ubuntu or root or ec2-user [ based on your amazon ami user]

After  you are done with the configuration add key file from Menu Bar-> Edit -> Settings [ Connection->SFTP]

A screenshot is also attached below where you are supposed to add the key file:

And now you should be able to connect to your AWS EC2.


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